Are you a Sullivan? An O'Mally? A Kavanaugh? Can you drink more beer than you can shake a shillelagh at? Is your jig on point? If so then these black Buffalo Irish leggings are for you. Wear these leggings while chowing down on corned beef and cabbage with a side of soda bread, and wash it all down with a Smithwick's or Guinness (because you would not be caught red handed with a green beer!)
These buttery soft and cozy leggings feature a high, yoga style waistband with a bit of elastic in the top to keep the leggings from slouching. They are specifically designed to keep your lower back covered when sitting, bending over, or playing with little ones!
• Made in China
• Fabric: 92% Brushed Polyester,
8% Spandex
• Weight: 8 oz (226.8 g)
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